Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Inside Android

Android arrives!

$10M developer awards!!

A good discussion at Arstechnica on why Google chose Apache license

“Open is good because it’s about choice. It allows people to do what they want,” says Steve Horowitz, engineering director of the Open Alliance.

Write your first Android application and let us all see what open source does to mobile industry.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

SEO Jokes

The problem with SEOs jokes is that most SEOs don’t think they are funny, and most people don’t understand that they’re just jokes!

More jokes about SEOs:

If you asked yourself "what is SEO"?, read this.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Bumptop - New path to your desktop

A little outdated but interesting. I was browsing through this list of technology talks at TED, this one about new desktop got my attention. There is a youtube video explaining how it works.

More graphics about bumptop.
Not much news about what they are doing with this now. They are still hiring. I hope something cool comes out of this.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Microsoft has Silverlight, Adobe has its Flex and now Java has its JavaFX. At work, we have a kiosk with super-cool UI. First we used Flash, completed another prototype in Flex but ditched it because it got too complicated to code and deploy. We switched to good old Swing and it worked as expected and looked neat. It is the first Java based thick app I really liked (stupid IBM DB2 command center flashes in my mind) and it works perfectly. Then came JavaFX and my fellow codemonkeys jumped on it. Here is a list of links to get started. Enjoy!

Main sites





More tech-rich articles

part 1: http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/scripting/javafxpart1/
part 2: http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/scripting/javafxpart2/





Download JavaFX


Eclipse plugin


Alert: Whenever you open a .fx file, this plugin adds javafx libraries to build path and adds javafx nature to EVERY open project in your workspace.

Getting started


Geting started with Eclipse





Read JavaFX book in JavaFX - this is a very nice read and gives you a feeling of JavaFX capabilities as you read


API reference



Chris Oliver


A nice tool to get started: http://www.reportmill.com/jfx/

Translate SVG to JavaFX : http://blogs.sun.com/chrisoliver/entry/javafx_svg_translator_preview

Some known problems


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

New opensource Wi-Fi baby

Software Freedom Law Center concludes OpenHAL does not infringe any copyrights of Atheros' proprietary HAL code. Now, OpenHAL developers can continue their work and hopefully get this new driver in the kernel soon. Thanks, Atheros.

history|grep linux0.01

A curious email was sent on 25 Aug 91 20:57:08 GMT.

Rest is history

Monday, April 09, 2007

Online gaming in India

A detailed analysis of the growing gaming industry in India

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Welcome to Human Computer Interaction (soon)

We all raved about the Apple iPhone and the cool technologies packed in it. It is designed to be an ultimate "one-device to rule everything else" package of very cool Apple products. What makes it "so cool" is the innovative multi-touch screen and its intuitiveness. I hate the menus, keyboard and utterly useless shortcuts in my new Motorola Razr. If you love your cellphone's UI, you haven't seen the best yet. Everyone is amazed at how Apple has redefined the cellphone experience.

Not only that, Apple has started and taken user experience to a whole new level.
If you thought "that's cool but they can't take take this technology too far", you are wrong, buddy. Don't be mistaken Apple can offer only two points-of-contact (POC) on its screens. With iPhone, you can pinch and stretch objects on screen with two fingers. How about using all your fingers to move, stretch, tap, back-rub?! windows on a screen, just like Tom Cruise in Minority Report? Is that possible? your dreams have come true!

Perceptive Pixel founded by Jeff Han, "a spinoff of the NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences to develop and market the most advanced multi-touch system in the world." See how big an impact he can make in computing.His demo at TED in February 2007 is just mouth-watering. Take a look

Apple has loads of patents filed under multi-touch screen category in 2004. So, who invented this first? Steve Jobs thinks its Apple. Is Jeff working for Jobs now?
Nope. Not yet. As of today, Jeff is not working for Apple.

Anyway, if I can get rid of my keyboards and "feel" the screen, that will be awesome. I hope either Jeff or Jobs or both make that dream come true.